The Dahl-Scott Endowment Fund, Inc. closed its year donating $30,000 to Marshall County Central Schools to use for Math, Science, and Technology. This is the third recent gift to the school district the Dahl-Scott Foundation has granted in recent years. It provided $8,000 last spring and donated $20,000 in 2018 towards the Outdoor Classroom Building.
The Dahl-Scott Endowment Fund, Inc. is an organization started by Sylvia Scott and her mother, Verna Dahl to provide college and university scholarships for graduates of Marshall County Central Schools who wish to pursue a course of study in mathematics, science, or engineering. Verna Dahl was a long time resident of Marshall County who lived with her husband Leslie in Foldahl Township. Their daughter, Sylvia Scott, graduated from Newfolden High School in 1966. Both Verna and Sylvia were teachers in Northwest Minnesota. The Dahl-Scott Endowment Fund, Inc. was founded in 2011 and has been making these awards to the district and to graduates since 2012. In recent years, the scholarship has been offering 5 year, $8,000 per year scholarships to MCC graduates that qualify and maintain standards throughout college.
Pictured: Science Teacher Josh Tharaldson, Math Teacher Jessica Hestekind, Science Teacher Katie Melgaard, Math Teacher Barry Busacker, Superintendent Jeffrey Lund, and Dahl-Scott Endowment Fund representative Brian Rokke.